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Mother And Daughter Meeting With Male Teacher
ClassLink Partnership for SIS Integration with K12 Insight
ClassLink partnership helps school districts save time and deliver personalized customer service through Let’s Talk.
Three big questions
Blog 3 minutes
Big Questions Guiding a School CIO
Indianapolis Public Schools revolutionized its customer service strategy by asking three key questions.
Let's Talk Assistant 3.0 icon with Faster FAQs and easier chatbot maintenance.
Let’s Talk Assistant 3.0: Enhancements for Faster FAQs and Chatbot Maintenance
Get to know the new features and tools of Let’s Talk Assistant 3.0.
AI's Role in School District Competitiveness
What’s next for K-12 SaaS solutions and how IT leaders can prepare
time to audit
Rethinking SaaS Solutions: Why It’s Time for an Audit
Consider these factors as you determine the technology needs for your district.
how to launch a chatbot
Launching AI-powered chatbots on district webpages
How your district can start using always-on chatbot technology in less than a month.
Customer Service Excellence: 5 Key Components
Define and deliver superior customer experiences in your school district.
tired of email
Is it possible to get rid of email? This IT leader is testing it out
What he found: There's a better way to deflect tickets and manage backend communications
Message inbox notification on computer screen
Blog 2 minute read
Impact of blurred accountability and security on school IT leaders
Breaking down how IT can take lead on delivering superior experiences districtwide.
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