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AI's Role in School District Competitiveness
What’s next for K-12 SaaS solutions and how IT leaders can prepare
how chatbot technology
How chatbot technology saves time for K-12 school districts
Save your staff time by having a chatbot answer repeat questions
amy boehl
The Significance of Research in Every School District
COVID-19, safety concerns, book bans, and curriculum debates have left public schools in a wake of crises and many are struggling to maintain enr...
chatbots change the game for customer service
How AI-powered chatbots change the game for customer service in K-12 education
Learn how Fort Wayne Community Schools uses chatbot technology to save staff time while providing superior customer service to stakeholders.
how to improve engagement
Video: Improving Engagement Through Accessible Customer Service
Accessible customer service helps districts reach more stakeholders
Two College Tutors Having Discussion Together
Video: How to promote efficient school board communications through a streamlined inbox
A unified inbox can help increase effective school board communications
time to audit
Rethinking SaaS Solutions: Why It’s Time for an Audit
Consider these factors as you determine the technology needs for your district.
school district to adopt a customer service solution
Time for a Customer Service Solution: A School District Imperative
Let’s Talk continues to evolve based on hundreds of successful implementations by school districts nationwide to help you provide superior customer...
superior customer service
Video: Attracting and Retaining Families Through Superior Service
Superior experiences with your district can keep parents from pursuing alternative options
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