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Launching AI-powered chatbots on district webpages

How your district can start using always-on chatbot technology in less than a month.

As school districts around the country continue to grapple with staff shortages, responding to the influx of questions coming from every direction can feel overwhelming — especially considering over 70% of questions answered by school districts each year are repeat questions.     

AI-powered chatbots can act as the first line of defense, ensuring parents, students, and other stakeholders have a fast, easy way to get answers to FAQs while giving your staff a break.

Over 70% of questions answered by school districts each year are repeat questions.

Let’s Talk Assistant from K12 Insight is the first chatbot built for K-12 school districts, and it takes less than a month to launch. 

Here’s all it takes:

1. Step One: Collect answers     

Because we’ve worked with hundreds of school districts across the country, we know what hot topics and critical questions your community is likely to ask. 

We’ll provide your team with a list of customizable FAQs. From there, you can add your own, unique questions (including a list of Spanish Q&As.

2. Step Two: Test your chatbot 

After collecting FAQs, we’ll add them to your new chatbot’s database. The K12 Insight team will complete a set of rigorous internal quality assurance tests before the tool is sent to your district for additional testing. 

While your team is experimenting with the capabilities, we’ll be on the backend — optimizing to ensure the chatbot is learning from every inquiry. 

Once you’re satisfied with the trial version, K12 Insight will train you on how to add, remove, and modify questions, collect data from inquiries, and manage additional features.

3. Step Three: Launch your new chatbot 

From the moment you launch your district’s chatbot, your team will start to see the time savings —  whether you’re gearing up for back-to-school season or you’re managing an influx of questions about a highly political trending issue.

And the learning doesn’t stop there. Let’s Talk Assistant uses widely-tested, world-class technology that learns and grows to help you continue to serve your district’s needs. 

Chatbots can answer 80% of routine questions — freeing up staff to provide superior service to families with more nuanced requests.

Let’s Talk Assistant — powered by Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing — helps school leaders provide always-on customer service, create internal efficiencies, and improve the customer experience. Ready to launch? Let’s Talk!

By K12 Insight
Originally published May 24, 2022 Last updated May 29, 2024