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District staff engaged in training to improve school customer service

Transform School Customer Service: Invest in your Frontline Staff

Meet rising expectations and transform your school customer service with expert-led professional development.
2 minutes

Emerging research shows that school culture — how schools make students, parents, and teachers feel — is nearly as important and impactful as the lessons taught in the classroom. And with growing Amazon-level expectations, building a customer-centric culture in your district is more crucial than ever. 

What is school customer service?

The customer service approach to education means recognizing that excellent teaching and learning are no longer enough to keep families satisfied and enrolled in your district.

School districts move through four phases on the journey to superior customer service, ranging from Reactive (marked by dissatisfied parents and a lack of customer service metrics) to Customer-centric (the “gold standard” of K-12 customer service where every interaction is intentional and all decisions are driven by customer service metrics).

Why does customer service matter?

Seemingly disconnected issues, like enrollment declines, internal complaints about “unreasonable” parents, or a lack of trust in school administrators can be symptoms of a bigger underlying issue: poor customer service.

With so many districts and alternative education options, an established customer service strategy can set your school district apart. And it all starts with your frontline district and school staff.

Empower your frontline staff

“It’s so important to ensure your staff is ready to welcome everyone they encounter. When frontline staff have all the tools they need to start establishing relationships and maintaining trust, your district community stays strong — and it’s more likely those families will establish lasting ties to the school and district.” — Leanne Libby, APR, Chief Communications Officer, Corpus Christi ISD (Texas) 

K12 Insight is dedicated to bringing essential customer service tools to your district. With our cutting-edge professional development programs, we address the latest challenges encountered by your school staff and empower them with the skills to build a customer-centric culture. Featuring expert-led, interactive customer service courses, K12 Insight’s professional development will prepare your frontline staff to provide consistent and intentional customer service at every touch point.

Discover K12 Insight’s in-person workshops

Crafted by experienced K-12 education and customer service professionals, our interactive in-person workshops address the needs of your frontline staff, providing tools and techniques for a districtwide customer service strategy. Offered as two separate sessions, these in-person workshops help your staff improve the customer experience in your district and navigate challenging situations, acting as a comprehensive training program for your team.

Explore K12 Insight’s virtual workshops

We know how demanding schedules can be, so to accommodate busy calendars, we also offer virtual professional development sessions. Discover our hour-long virtual workshops designed to target these specific customer service topics crucial for your frontline district employees:

  • Creating a customer service mindset
  • Taping into empathy
  • Building more rapport
  • Channeling the challenging customer

Improve school customer service in your district

Building a quality customer service culture in your schools isn’t something you can hope to achieve overnight. But with the right amount of leadership, hard work, and training, your district can quickly put itself on the path to turning everyday interactions with students, parents, teachers, and staff into truly memorable and exceptional experiences.

Are you ready to transform customer service in your district? Invest in your frontline staff — request a free consult today.