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Efficiently Serving Your Community: Updates on Let’s Talk! Features

Every interaction between your district and the community it serves is an opportunity to strengthen trust in the district and allow your schools to provide all families with high-quality experiences. 

Our latest updates to our K-12 customer experience solution, Let’s Talk!, includes a number of features aimed at streamlining communication and improving trust.

Here are the key features you can look forward to in the latest release of Let’s Talk!:

Enhancements to streamline communications

Split or merge dialogues: Effectively manage incoming dialogues by having the option to combine similar requests or separate dialogues that require different teams to accurately handle the response–reducing confusion and duplicated team efforts.

  • Merge dialogues: It’s not uncommon for similar requests from the same person to land in your inbox. Now you can combine those requests into a single dialogue to cut down on duplicative effort.
  • Split dialogues: Some questions or concerns necessitate multiple responses from different teams. Rather than passing dialogues from one team to another, save yourself the confusion and the time by separating complex conversations into multiple dialogues distributed to the right team members.

merge dialogue screenshot

split dialogue screenshot

Auto inbox refresh: Never miss a dialogue! Let’s Talk! will now immediately refresh your inbox when a new dialogue comes in. 

Keep the conversation in Let’s Talk!: All email replies from forwarded dialogues will automatically be pulled in as Internal Comments. This feature keeps everyone in the loop–regardless of how the information is shared or accessed. 

Reply Drafts: Ensure that your responses are saved as a draft when you step away, or closeout of Let’s Talk! for any reason. Serving your community shouldn’t include the frustration of losing your progress.

Customer History: Get insight on how often a customer interacts with your district through the Customer History section of each dialogue. Located conveniently within the dialogue itself, understand the history of the customer to best respond to their inquiries.

customer feedback screenshot

Multilingual Analytics: Understand the multilingual access provided by your district and analyze data across those different languages. 

Pending Details Reminder: Receive a reminder when a dialogue has been sitting in Pending Details for too long. This helps reduce overall response time and keep Cx scores high. 

Thank you!: When your community thanks you for all your support, the Let’s Talk! Platform will be smart enough to keep the dialogue closed rather than re-open it in response to receiving the message.

Look for the latest Let’s Talk! updates coming May 15, 2020.