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Let's Talk! What's New in 17.0

Let’s Talk 17.0: Making it simpler and faster to expand Let’s Talk in your school community

Get to know the new features and tools of Let’s Talk 17.0.

We are so inspired by how you have made Let’s Talk the destination for customer service in your school districts. From supporting registration to managing technology tickets to fielding transportation requests, you’ve turned to Let’s Talk to help you manage two-way communications from a unified inbox. 

Let’s Talk 17.0 is all about making it simpler and faster to expand your use of Let’s Talk, allowing you to use features and tools inspired by hundreds of school districts who have implemented Let’s Talk alongside you.

Key Let’s Talk 17.0 features include: 

  • From here on out, Interest Areas will be referred to as Topics.
  • Account Builder tools designed to simplify the process for creating high-quality landing pages, including:
    • A step-by-step wizard to help you build your Landing Pages and Tabs
    • Let’s Talk Suggested Categories and Topics to jump-start your account setup, based on hundreds of successful Let’s Talk implementations
    • Advanced Landing Pages, allowing you to feature self-service tools like Knowledge Base and Let’s Talk Assistant alongside your contact forms  
  • Topics Manager — a simplified user interface that replaces Interest Areas in Settings, and includes the ability to quick-add common Topics and make bulk changes.
  • Plus some small changes, designed to bring a whole lot of delight. 

Inside Let’s Talk’s new Account Builder tools

Building Landing Pages is as easy as 1-2-3

Let’s Talk Landing Pages serve as hubs on your website for collecting questions and feedback from students, families, teachers, staff, and community members. Previously, you had to bounce around between several pages in settings to build this page. 

Not anymore! 

A three-step wizard will help you visualize the final product as you:

  1. Select and organize your Topics; 
  2. Identify the right Team of users to support each Topic; and
  3. Design the look and feel of your Landing Page.

Access the Landing Page Wizard in the Landing Page/Tab Editor in Settings every time you create a new page. Both System Administrators and Category owners can take advantage of this wizard.

As part of this release, we’re also bringing the Landing Page and the Tab together. Now you can do the work once while offering two access points for your customers!

Your peers did the work so you don’t have to

We analyzed hundreds of Let’s Talk implementations to determine the Categories and Topics that are most valuable to our district partners. You can now find those under our Let’s Talk Suggested Topics in Topics Manager and in your Landing Page Wizard. Choose a few Topics within a Category, or add the entire Category!  

Looking to expand your use of Let’s Talk this summer? Explore the full list of suggested Categories and Topics in your account for inspiration.

Your stakeholders now get answers even faster

The new Advanced Landing Page makes it easy to link to resources that help you answer questions from stakeholders faster. Here, you can link to Knowledge Base and Let’s Talk Assistant  — an AI-powered, always-on chatbot — within the landing page itself. You can also add an FAQ Highlights section to feature the most common questions that come through Let’s Talk Assistant. 

And when self-help isn’t the answer, a prominent search bar is available at the top of the Landing Page to help customers get connected to the correct Topic (and Team) faster.

More than 70% of the questions fielded by school districts each year are repeat questions, and Let’s Talk Assistant and Knowledge Base help reduce the number of inbound questions and concerns by up to two-thirds.

Greater flexibility allows you to make the Landing Page work for you

You asked for greater flexibility in how you use the Landing Page to truly make it a hub for your community to ask questions and share feedback. With this release you’ll find enhancements that allow you to do just that.

  • Choose to collapse or expand all Categories to streamline the look of the Landing Page.
  • Change the color of individual buttons.
  • Link buttons to other content — including other Landing Pages and External URLs.
  • Sort your Topics in alphabetical order — or order of popularity, with the Topics that typically receive the most dialogues appearing first.
  • Preview Landing Pages before you publish them.

Bringing delight to your everyday use of Let’s Talk

Thank you for continuing to share your feedback through the question mark icon in your Let’s Talk accounts. All things — big and small — are inspired by your needs, experiences, and feedback.

Additional exciting features of Let’s Talk 17.0 include: 

  • Need to transfer a dialogue to a different team? Click “Show more” to expand a searchable, full view of all Categories and Topics.
  • Who doesn’t love a good list? The toolbar has been updated to accommodate bulleted and numbered lists in replies to customers.
  • Doing account maintenance over the summer? We’ve simplified the process downloading your Topics at the Category-level to help you review the data with the appropriate teams.

We know that superior customer experiences are not about one person or one department. That’s why Let’s Talk 17.0 focuses on providing enhanced tools that make it easier for everyone on your team to work together to provide a positive experience for every student, parent, teacher, and community member. 

Log in to Let’s Talk to explore 17.0. 

Want to see how Let’s Talk can help your district provide superior customer experiences? Request a consultation today. 

Lynn Fersh
By Lynn Fersh
Originally published May 27, 2022 Last updated December 1, 2023