AI Chatbot for Education

The best K-12 chatbot experience, powered by your data.

Let’s Talk Assistant — the only chatbot designed specifically for K-12 — helps school districts provide always-on K-12 customer service and create internal efficiencies by giving parents, teachers, and school districts a fast, easy way to get answers to frequently asked questions 24-7 — in multiple languages.

✨ Deliver instant, friendly, and accurate answers with our generative AI-powered chatbot ✨

K12 Insight’s AI-powered chatbot provides a superior chatbot experience without hallucinations, answers are cited and it’s highly secure. It’s easier than ever to deliver instant and accurate answers with Let’s Talk Assistant — and in three easy steps, you can have your chatbot live on your website.

Gather web pages, documents, and other information you want to use.

Upload to Let’s Talk’s Resource Center.

Turn on your chatbot to begin delivering accurate, fast, and friendly responses.

We've all heard about how generative AI will one day transform education, but we don’t think you should have to wait...

Experience how generative AI can transform customer service in your district today. You owe it to yourself to watch this one-minute video to see Let’s Talk Assistant in action. In the age of school choice, competition, and political polarization, high-quality customer service is your best defense.

70% of inbound inquiries are repeat questions.
Chatbots can reliably and accurately answer 80% of them.

The power is in the platform

Let’s Talk Assistant is powered by Let’s Talk — which means you only need one platform to deliver customer service. Customer interactions and analytics are captured in a centralized location for visibility, reporting and metrics. Chats are auto-cataloged and can be logged for the individual customer — ensuring you capture customer interactions in one location.

Comprehensive and accurate responses — with no hallucinations

Our chatbot is powered with your data — which means it can only answer questions with the information provided by your district. And with the ability to quickly scan multiple sources to assemble accurate answers, the chatbot cites its source of where the answer came from, giving your customers confidence they are receiving accurate, helpful information.

Easy and fast setup​

Upload existing content — including articles, documents, web page URLs, and FAQs — to train your chatbot to meet your district’s needs. We can even help identify which common questions don’t have an answer in your content so that it can be developed. 


Easy and fast setup

Upload existing content — including documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, FAQs, Knowledge Base articles, and web pages — to train your chatbot to meet your district’s needs. We can even help identify which common questions don’t have an answer in your content so that it can be developed.


Comprehensive and accurate responses — without hallucinations

Powered by your data — Let’s Talk Assistant can only answer questions with the information provided by your district. With the ability to quickly scan multiple sources to assemble accurate answers, the chatbot cites its source of information giving your customers confidence they are receiving accurate, helpful information.


Leverage for internal and external customer service

Your staff are customers too! You can use the chatbot to help answer common internal questions, increasing the ability for your team to get the answers they need and save staff time.


Unmatched efficiency

The chatbot streamlines routine inquiries and tasks — saving time for all departments including Human Resources and Transportation. Deflect and protect your staff for the most complex, important tasks. Use the tool internally, too, to empower your staff to have instant access to answers.


Highly secure with a commitment to data privacy

K12 Insight is committed to responsible, ethical, and highly secure AI. Let’s Talk Assistant is a safe, secure, and responsible chatbot — using only your data and not publicly sharing your information. You can have confidence in our secure platform with our third-party zero data retention policy — which means we only retain data of the chat within the Let’s Talk platform and do not allow third-parties, like Open AI, to retain data.


Backed by a team of AI and K-12 experts

Our data science team has been using AI for the past 4 years to offer innovative solutions in Let's Talk. We partner with the University of Chicago and utilize the best tools — like OpenAI — to automate and optimize your tech stack.

Start delivering superior customer service in your school district

K12 Insight — a leading innovator of customer intelligence solutions for schools — helps you improve customer service and stakeholder engagement using a powerful customer experience platform and chatbot, research, and professional development.


harnessing the power of AI cover
Unlock the Power of AI: A Guide for Transforming K-12 Operations

Discover how AI can revolutionize district operations, streamline communication, and empower data-driven decision-making in your school district.

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customer story
Providing Superior Customer Service Through AI-powered Chatbot Technology

VBCPS launched Let’s Talk to streamline district communications and Let’s Talk Assistant chatbot to provide automatic responses to FAQs. Both serve as powerful tools in the district’s communication strategy and help manage inbound communications.

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How AI-powered chatbots change the game for customer service in K-12 education

Learn how Fort Wayne Community Schools uses chatbot technology to save staff time while providing superior customer service to stakeholders.

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