Let's Talk: Analyzing the Benefits

Let’s Talk can reduce the time, and ultimately the cost, of providing superior customer service! 

Using this tool, you can calculate the savings Let’s Talk and its generative AI-powered chatbot, Let’s Talk Assistant, could bring to your district!

The numbers below come in addition to the many intangibles our partner districts have seen – from improved community engagement to the ability to have real-time data and predictive analytics on trending issues, district response times, and customer satisfaction. For 500+ districts nationwide, Let’s Talk has created a paradigm shift in not only how customer service is delivered, but also how individual departments continue to create operational efficiencies, improve training, and save staff time. Add your district size to the calculator below to find out how many full-time employees (FTEs) your district would need to manage incoming inquiries with Let’s Talk and Let’s Talk Assistant:


Customer Service
Impact Calculator

How many students does your district serve?

ROI Calculator
Find out how much you could be saving:

Districts your size typically need the following number of Full Time Equivalent Employees to manage the inbound inquiries using only existing platforms:


After launching Let's Talk, an enterprise-wide customer service and intelligence platform that logs and tracks inquiries, automates workflows, and reduces duplicative efforts, the time required to provide a higher level of customer service is dramatically reduced. As a result, the number of Full Time Equivalent Employees a district your size typically needs to manage incoming inquiries using Let's Talk is:


When districts implement Let's Talk Assistant, the always-on, generative AI-powered chatbot linked to every Let's Talk account, the time it takes to deliver exceptional customer service is further reduced, as fewer human touches are needed to respond to the same number of incoming dialogues. Plus, up to 80% of dialogues can be automatically answered without staff interference. Using Let's Talk and Let's Talk Assistant, the number of Full Time Equivalent Employees required to manage the same number of incoming inquiries is:


Need even more proof?

Dive into the results of Pasco County Schools' (PCS) extensive third-party review of Let's Talk's time and cost savings. 

PCS leveraged a validated process from the ROI Institute to conduct their analysis. 

Start delivering superior customer service in your school district. Schedule a demo with one of our experts today.

K12 Insight — a leading innovator of customer intelligence solutions for schools — helps you improve customer service and stakeholder engagement using a powerful customer service platform plus generative AI-powered chatbot, research services, and professional development.

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Pasco County Schools' presentation during NSPRA 2023
Pasco County Schools (Florida)

See how they reduced customer service costs 41% with Let’s Talk, the only customer service and intelligence platform purpose-built for K-12, and its generative AI-powered chatbot, Let’s Talk Assistant.

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AI is emerging as a powerful tool for K-12 education, offering significant benefits beyond the classroom. Discover how it can revolutionize operations, streamline communications, and drive decision-making. 

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