customer service report beyond retention

National Report on Customer Service in Schools | Spring 2024

Beyond Retention: How to Position Your School District as the Best Place to Work, Grow, and Thrive

Every spring marks the beginning of the K-12 hiring cycle. It is a critical task for districts to get right given that fostering an environment of student achievement and success is driven largely by a district’s ability to hire and retain high-quality teachers.

But with more turnover than ever before, it’s essential for school districts to provide a work environment where educators want to grow, thrive, and stay. Teachers and staff want to be cared for, recognized for their contributions, and receive the support they need to succeed in their roles.

Over the last decade, K12 Insight has administered over 100 employee engagement surveys, collecting over 150,000 survey responses. Drawing on this expertise and experience researching employee engagement nationwide, K12 Insight’s Spring 2024 National Report on Customer Service uncovers strategies and actions K-12 administrators can take to measure and improve employee engagement in an effort to slow the rate of staff turnover. Download the report to learn:

Equipped with the right tools, insights, and strategies, K-12 administrators can strengthen employee engagement during the hiring season and sustain it throughout the year — a journey poised not only to retain valued staff, but also to improve school climate and, ultimately, student achievement.


The Link Between Customer Service and Student Success: Building a Positive School Climate

Discover the powerful link between school climate and customer service in K12 Insight’s Winter 2023 National Report on Customer Service in Schools. 

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Uncovering the Gap in Parent-District Communications

As K-12 education continues to evolve, many school districts have overlooked and fallen out of pace with the needs of their communities — resulting in frustrated families who are pushed to consider alternative options. Read K12 Insight’s Fall 2023 report to learn more.

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An opportunity — or obstacle — at every touchpoint

K12 Insight’s Spring 2023 National Report on Customer Service in Schools explores the reasons parents reach out to their school or district and their ability to connect with the correct person to get a satisfactory answer to their issues or questions.

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