Increase student engagement through superior customer service

Districts around the country are managing dwindling student enrollment as families shift to competing options. Let’s Talk provides a platform for community connection — helping you meet stakeholder needs and keeping your staff, students, and families satisfied.

Mother taking her daughter to school, saying her goodbye for the day

Increase student enrollment

Why families are leaving public schools

In recent years, alternatives to public K-12 education have resulted in declining student enrollment for school districts across the nation. It only takes one negative experience with your district for families to seek other options.


A recent report found a direct correlation between family satisfaction and district-provided customer service: As satisfaction increases, so does trust; and as trust increases, so does the likelihood and frequency of positive recommendations.

Develop and nurture relationships

Delivering superior service

Connection forms when people experience high levels of trust, care, kindness, empathy, and appreciation. It’s also vital for building trust, increasing parent satisfaction, and keeping students in K-12 public school districts.

Increase stakeholder satisfaction

Better experiences. Better education

Through tools like Let’s Talk, your district can facilitate effective communication and superior customer service — helping you gain the trust and confidence of stakeholders and leading to greater satisfaction with your district.

Black family studying and learning from home for online school during coronavirus


students left public education in 2021


of parents said there was room for improvement in school customer service


of parents expect an answer to their question within one day