Better teacher retention through intentional engagement

Working in K-12 education has become increasingly difficult as teachers and staff juggle criticism, divisive politics, learning loss, and misinformation. It’s critical for school leaders to measure, track, and take action to improve teacher and staff engagement.

Teacher engaging in conversation with a student

Better teacher engagement

Listen to feedback and create positive change

Your teachers and school staff want to be heard. With Let’s Talk, you can give teachers and staff the opportunity to ask questions, share feedback, and voice concerns — even anonymously.

Let’s Talk providing a thumbs up or thumbs down for a question

Improve morale

Save your staff’s time, energy, and sanity

Your school staff have a lot on their plate and juggle incoming inquiries every day. Ease their workload by bringing inbound communications — including phone, email, in-person meetings, text messages, social media, and more — into one location with Let’s Talk’s unified inbox.

56% of in-person employees feel appreciated for their work, while only 39% of remote employees feel appreciated for their work.

Increase collaboration

Streamline internal collaboration

Having staff scattered across multiple buildings or working from
home doesn’t have to mean sacrificing internal collaboration. Let’s Talk enables your team to collaborate within and across departments while eliminating repetitive tasks and reducing risk for error.

Collaboration within the
Mrs Garcia receiving a five star shoutout via Let’s Talk

Provide recognition

Celebrate your staff

Rewarding teachers and staff can go a long way to increase employee engagement and overall job satisfaction. Use Let’s Talk to easily capture staff nominations, shout outs, or notes of encouragement to recognize your team members.