School Board

The School Board of York County is committed to two-way communication with the public about the organization and operation of the school division. This commitment includes keeping the public regularly informed and providing opportunities for the public to interact with the Board and our schools. The Board encourages the public to inquire, learn about, and express a continuing interest in YCSD operations and to make suggestions for improvements.

If you would like to contact a specific board member, you can email them directly by clicking on their name below:

Mark J. Shafer (District 1)
Zoran Pajevic (District 2)
Kimberly S. Goodwin (District 3, chair)
James E. Richardson (District 4, vice chair)
Lynda Fairman (District 5)
Question is mandatory

What would you like to submit? Question is mandatory
What's on your mind? Question is mandatory
Tell us who you are Question is mandatory
(Select one or more)
York County School Division Student
York County School Division Employee
York County School Division Parent/Guardian
Community Member

How can we contact you?
To receive a personalized response, please enter your name and at least one method of contact. If you leave this section blank, then we will not be able to respond to your message. If you would like to receive a response but keep your identity hidden from us, enter your email address and select 'Hide your contact information from the District.'
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