The AISD Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC) is committed to provided the public the opportunity to comment, per district committee communications guidelines . 

As the district transitions to online meetings, the public will still have the opportunity to both watch the meetings and provide public comment, per the guidelines.

To achieve this, please submit comments here.  

Your comment will be read aloud to the committee during the public comment portion of the agenda.  Committee members may not respond.  The committee will hear a total of 10 minutes, as is customary, of public comment.   

Please limit your comments to 2 minutes. Comments longer than 2 minutes will not be read past the two minute mark.  The entire comment will be distributed to the committee in written form.  Comments will be read on a first come basis. 

Comments must be received by 12 p.m. on Wednesday, January 29, 2005. Comments received after that time will be provided to the committee members in written form after the meeting. 

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