Per School Board Policy 8155 School Assignment

Identifying and evaluating all implications of changing schools by special permission is the responsibility of parents or guardians prior to submitting a request. Implications may include but are not limited to changes in the future-year capacity that precludes renewal of the request for special permission and certain athletic or league participation restrictions. For example, athletic eligibility is determined by the Virginia High School League (VHSL) Handbook rules that are based upon the school of enrollment for a first-time ninth grade student. Under VHSL rules, subsequent student-requested transfers (or returning to a regular school of assignment) will generally result in 365 days of ineligibility unless there is an actual corresponding change of residence of the parents or guardian. For transfers required by the school division, waivers from these restrictions may be considered by the Division Superintendent in accordance with VHSL rules. Parents or guardians are responsible for understanding all potential consequences of changing schools by special permission. 

VHSL ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION AND FAQ Parents may request a superintendent’s waiver of the VHSL Transfer 28A-7-1. VHSL Rule 28A-7-1 Exception (7) allows a school board or division superintendent to transfer a student, by name, within the school division without affecting that student’s eligibility by specifically granting a waiver of the Transfer Rule (28A-7-1). The Chief of Staff serves as the Superintendent Designee for VHSL Waiver request. The process for submitting a request is outlined below with a timeline.

Sequence for requesting a waiver:
Step 1: Parents must receive approval notice that their special permission/instructional suitability request has been approved.
Step 2: After receiving your special permission approval, parents have 10 calendar days to complete the form below. This will be submitted to the Assistant Director of Athletics and Extracurriculars to request a superintendent’s waiver of VHSL transfer rule 28A-7- 1.
Step 3: Parents have an additional 5 calendar days to submit supporting documentation to the Assistant Director of Athletics and Extracurriculars.
Step 4: The Assistant Director of Athletics and Extracurriculars will submit the request and all supporting documents to the Chief of Staff for review and consideration. The Chief of Staff has 10 calendar days to review the information. 
Step 5: The Chief of Staff will notify the parents or guardians of the decision and outline the appeal process under policy 2350 in the notification, if necessary.
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