The regularly scheduled July 23rd meeting of the Pasco County School Board will take place at 6 p.m. in the School Board Complex at 7205 Land O'Lakes Boulevard, Building 3. Anyone wishing to address the Board on an agenda item or any other topic of relevance to the operation of schools may do so in person at the meeting.

In addition we are providing this online form enabling members of the public to address the board members in written form as a reasonable accommodation to individuals who cannot access the meeting in person. Comments must be submitted prior to 5 p.m. the evening prior to the School Board meeting. The comments from this form will be provided to board members prior to the meeting and prior to any votes being taken. Please indicate which agenda item or topic you are addressing.

All public participation on such matters is encouraged and is subject to Board policies. Agendas can be found on this web page.
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