Temecula Valley Unified School District offers fee-based home-to-school transportation for students living more than:
1.25 aerial miles from their home to an elementary school
2.50 aerial miles from their home to middle school
​3.25 aerial miles from their home to high school

Crowne Hill Elementary
Red Hawk Elementary
Tony Tobin Elementary
Vail Elementary
Bella Vista Middle School
Day Middle School
Margarita Middle School
Temecula Middle School
Vail Ranch Middle School
Chaparral High School
Great Oak High School
Rancho Vista High School
Temecula Valley High School

For the 2020/21 school year, TVUSD is also providing transportation for families who reside within the Rancho Elementary School boundaries and who are being placed to attend Crowne Hill and Vail Elementary School during RES' renovations.  

If you would like to apply for a bus pass please visit the transportation department website by clicking here.  

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Is there busing in my area?
Please visit https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/Page/21466 to view busing areas.

My student rode the bus last year. Do I need to submit another application?
Yes. You need to re-apply every school year. 

How much does busing cost?
Please visit https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/Page/23292 to view a schedule of bus pass fees.

Can I make payments for my student’s bus pass?
You may sign up for the quarterly auto-pay plan if you are purchasing an annual pass. There is a $4 service charge per transaction. The first payment is due at the time of purchase and subsequent payments will be automatically charged to your credit card on Nov 1st, Feb 1st, and May 1st. 

Am I eligible for a free or reduced-fare?
You can view the Federal Income Chart and locate your household size and income to see if you may be eligible for a free or reduced fare. All applications for free or reduced-fare must include a document from the list of acceptable income verification documents and be approved by the transportation department. 

If I apply online, how will I receive my bus pass?
If your application is processed before the start of the school year, your student’s bus pass will be mailed to you. If your application is processed when school is in session, we can send your student’s bus pass with the bus driver.

How will I know which bus stop my student is assigned to?
After your application has been processed you will receive a confirmation email with your student’s bus stop and pick-up and drop-off times. 

If after reviewing the above and visiting the transportation website, you still have questions or need assistance, please feel free to submit this form and a transportation staff member will respond. 

Question is mandatory
How can we contact you?
To receive a personalized response, please enter your name and at least one method of contact. If you leave this section blank, then we will not be able to respond to your message. If you would like to receive a response but keep your identity hidden from us, enter your email address and select 'Hide your contact information from the District.'

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