BOE General Inquiries

Board members serve collectively in the best interest of every student in Philadelphia. As a collective body, the Board sets clear, aligned goals that drive decision-making and policy-making to foster strategic planning and investments in support of student achievement. In addition, the Board serves as the authorizer for all charter schools in Philadelphia.

The Board of Education is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the education of our students. Only when we build strong relationships with our staff, students, families, and community members can we best meet the needs of each and every child.

​We invite you to send us your questions, concerns, suggestions, or compliments. To provide you with a timely response, your submission may be routed to the appropriate office or department. 

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What would you like to submit? Question is mandatory
What's on your mind? Question is mandatory
Tell us who you areQuestion is mandatory
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How can we contact you? Question is mandatory
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